It’s been a little more than two years since my surgery. Things are going really well. I have a new pair of glasses and my surgical eye is now correctable to 20/25. Not a sharp 20/25, but so much better than before. I am able to use my eye for the first time in a long time. I can read computer screens and street signs with my “good” eye closed. Although things aren’t as sharp as my other eye, the two work together pretty well. The only problem that I have is that I still have irritated eyes from time to time, and my eyes are very sensitive to perfume and other fragrances. I also still have some difficulty driving at night because of the clarity of objects at a distance. Glare is no longer that problem that it was before my surgery.
Medically things are fine as well. My cornea specialist continues to says that everything looks good. I am no longer taking any steroid drops. I still have most of my stitches in and I’m not sure if or when those will come out. I’ll continue to provide updates on my condition, but so far so good!
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